SIHA’s unique program offers unparalleled education by blending online education and practical face to face workshops to shape talented professionals with a broad sphere of hearing care excellence.

What is SIHA

SIHA is a global training and education program for aspiring Hearing Care Professionals (HCPs), which can be completed in as little as 9 months. Students must obtain licenses to dispense hearing aids in accordance with national or local requirements in the country where they will practice.

SIHA provides a modular, blended learning program offering wider business understanding by broader than traditional HCP education scope and skills to balance commercial aspects of the profession with the technical and medical dimensions.

Watch the video below for an introduction to our online learning platform.


SIHA in Media

International training offer for hearing care professionals

The Swiss International Hearing Academy, or SIHA for short, was launched at the beginning of 2020. SIHA is a global training and education programme for trained professionals or those still in training in the fields of hearing care and audiology, which the Sonova Group makes available to both its employees and external participants. The specialist magazine spoke to Barbara Münch about what sets SIHA apart and why it makes sense to invest in the training of hearing care professionals worldwide.

Hörakustik 12/2021 (german).pdf



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Meet the team

Lavanya Issenmann

Barbara Münch

Jean Anne Schnittker

Chloe Yang